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Our ExecutivesOne of our key differences is that we have worked for organisations who need to place the roles that we are now providing placements for, this allows us to introduce individuals that not only have the technical capability to be the best at the role but that they practically can make a success of it. We only allow executives to be part of our network by initiation, there are no exceptions to this and while we provide our best endeavours to know all of our executives prior to their invite if we do not know them at the time of the initiation we will have excellent knowledge of them personally before they are considered for a client recommendation. We work on the assumption that we want the top 10% therefore we call our executives our top 10. This is not to say that they are graded as such, although we do technically score our executives for suitability for a role, but this is focussed on making sure that they key individuals are known and in our network and are top quality. Our executives are all key individuals that made a significant difference in their careers, they are individuals that are worth considering and are highly likely to be in demand at any one time, hence the TCS approach, which considers that only a small number of individuals should be put forward for an opportunity at any one time. We are selective for a very good reason, we want to be the best, at what we do, everytime.
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